Cioffi's Gift Baskets
Please review the per basket pricing and delivery charges.
Please indicate the quantity beside each size and style of basket and, when done, fill in your contact information at the bottom of the page.
A Cioffi's staff member will contact you to confirm delivery addresses or pick-up information and provide you with a total, including delivery charges and all taxes.
For questions, or custom basket enquiries email
Burnaby & East Van — $20
North & West Van — $30
Downtown Vancouver — $30
Coquitlam & Port Moody — $30
Port Coquitlam — $40
Other locations — $45 & up
Small — $60
Medium — $80
Large — $110
Extra-Large — $150
Viva L'Italia
L'Ufficio (The Office)
La Dolce Vita
The Food Snob
This basket is perfect for the true "foodie" in your life!
*Only available in large and extra large.